
Centralised Logging and Visualisations

Published on 6th November 2022

Front-end DevelopmentBack-end Development


The last few months I have been developing a microservice architecture for a personal project of mine and everything seemed to work well except one thing. I was having trouble debugging it, and this was due to the limited options provided by AWS Cloudwatch. As such, I decided to look for something else, which could potentially provide a more robust solution and a better interface for me to interact with. After I spent two weeks researching and reading articles, I decided to use Grafana, Loki and AWS Firelens and now, the setup looks much more versatile and robust compared to what I used to have a couple weeks ago.

Nonetheless, the reason for this article is not to express my struggles and difficulties on the project, rather than to share knowledge around centralised logging and how it can benefit a microservice architecture when it is set up correctly. In addition, tools like Grafana and Loki make your experience with microservices much smoother, especially on the monitoring aspect, where most of the microservices' pain comes from. So, without further ado, let's start.

What is Logging?

A service accepts requests and responds to them. The request-response cycle can be thought of as an event and developers want to record it. However, an error can also be thought of as an event and therefore this should be recorded as well. As you may notice, all these changes alter the state of a service and to fully understand it, we need to capture them. These events can make us understand the cause of a failure, as well as to indicate the series of events that have led to this result. To capture those events, developers use various logging tools, which often write those events in the filesystem. While this procedure may be enough for a monolithic application, microservices have a few more requirements. If you are not familiar with the concept of microservices, I have written an article about it, which is available here.

Monolithic applications run on a single process and all logic is baked in it. Therefore, any logging will most likely include all the information you need and somehow is centralised within the application. In contrast, microservices include several applications and information flows within multiple services. Trying to understand the cause of a problem is much harder since you need to combine logs from multiple services and this is confusing, especially if you want to fix a bug in production that has been rolled out.

What is Centralised Logging?

Centralised logging is a design pattern where applications gather their logs in a central location and administrator/developers can access and monitor the system's behavior.

While the core idea is to have a central location where logs are sent, recent logging tools are combined with visualisation and processing tools to further analyse logging information. A few of those tools are Grafana, Loki and Promtail, so let's go through them.

Loki, Promtail and Grafana

The stack I have found most frequently used is Loki, Promtail and Grafana and each one operates on a specific task, which we will explain individually.

  • Loki

a horizontally-scalable, higly-available, multi-tenant log aggregration system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate

Essentially, Loki exposes an API with several endpoints that either push or query log information. Our goal is to push log data from our services to those endpoints, and Loki will take care storing and processing all the queries for us.

In addition, Loki comes with its own query language called LogQL (Log Query Language). The language is inspired by PromQL and is considered a distributed grep that aggregates log sources. If you want to learn more about LogQL, check out here.

  • Promtail

Promtail is a client that gathers logs and sends them to Loki API. A basic promtail configuration includes the target Loki endpoint, as well as the location of the files that should search for logs.

  • Grafana

According their official website, Grafana is:

an open source visualisation and analytics software. It allows you to query, visualise, alert on, and explore your metrics no matter where they are stored in.

While Grafana is more focused on time-series data and metrics, it can be combined with Loki to visualise log data, perform ad-hoc queries to identify trends, as well as to create graphs and visualisations based on the log data. Grafana is the recommended tool combined with Loki and Promtail.

Experimenting with Grafana, Loki and Promtail

The rest of this article will demonstrate an implementation of centralised logging for a small microservice. The code is available in this repository.

The setup includes the following services :

  • Loki: an api using the official grafana/loki image

  • Grafana: a web-based application using the official ubuntu grafana/grafana image

  • App: a golang-based API with a single endpoint. Clients can interact with the endpoints on /hello and information related to the request will be logged by the service. The logs will be available in app.log file and promtail will be sending those logs to Loki API.

The following docker-compose file demonstrates what I briefly explained:

version: '3.7'

    container_name: ${PROJECT:-centralised-logging-and-visualisations-}grafana
    image: grafana/grafana:latest-ubuntu
      - '3000:3000'
    restart: on-failure
      - loki

    container_name: ${PROJECT:-centralised-logging-and-visualisations-}loki
    image: grafana/loki:latest
      - '3100:3100'
      - type: bind
        source: $PWD/loki-config.yaml
        target: /etc/loki/local-config.yaml
    restart: on-failure

    container_name: ${PROJECT:-centralised-logging-and-visualisations-}app
      context: ./services/app
      dockerfile: ./deployments/app.dockerfile
    privileged: true
      - '8080:8080'
    restart: on-failure
      - loki
      - grafana

Running docker-compose up, it will spin up the grafana, loki and app containers. Grafana will be available in the browser on localhost:3000 and will ask you to login. The default username and password is admin. As soon as you finish with the authentication process, you need to register Loki as a data resource for Grafana. Navigate on Configuration > Data Sources and select add data source. Fill the details as shown below:

As soon as you finish filling the details, make sure that you test the connection, and then select the Explore option. This will load the explore view of Grafana, where you can experiment running queries and viewing logs. The  LokQL query we will be running is {service="app"} and this essentially shows the logs related to the service app. The view should look like this:

Let's now test that the http://localhost:8080/hello logs some data to the dashboard. To accomplish this, run the following command in the terminal, which essentially hits the endpoint every second for 100 times.

for i in {1..100}; do curl -X GET localhost:8080/hello; sleep 1; done

If you rerun the query, the updated view of the dashboard should look like this:


That's all for this tutorial, but before we go, let's recap a few things:

  • Centralised logging is a great way to organise logs in a microservice architecture, making debugging and monitoring much easier.

  • Loki, Promtail and Grafana are tools that can help with centralised logging. Grafana can be used to display logs as well as to create graphs and visualisations that show log-related trends.

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